The EU-funded COSAFE project will develop cooperative connected intelligent vehicles (CIV) based on vehicular communication technology. It will address road transport challenges with sharing of resources and technological cooperation enabling the development of an innovative CIV solution. Supported by different advanced research technologies, such as vehicle edge computing, vehicle communication, data fusion, advanced driving systems or cellular network resource management, it can tackle related encounters. New innovative applications will improve transportation efficiency, safety and European ICT competitiveness.
Our objective

Connected Intelligent Vehicles

Road accidents and traffic congestion are causing serious problems for global transport systems. More than 1.2 million people die each year due to road accidents. Connected vehicles and autonomous vehicles are two promising technologies that can improve road transport safe and efficiency, but they both have inherent shortcomings.
This project proposes an innovative solution of cooperative connected intelligent vehicles, where vehicular communications technology and resource sharing and cooperation are exploited, to tackle the road transport challenges, and deliver enhanced road safety and efficiency. An international cross-sector and cross-disciplinary consortium consisting of world-leading academic institutions, and prominent industry and policymaker partners is created to collaborate on developing innovative CIV technologies and applications, with the support of novel vehicle communications and cooperative resource sharing. Advanced research technologies in vehicle communication, vehicle edge computing, machine learning, data fusion, advanced driving systems, and cellular network resource management will be applied to tackle the associated challenges.

Technologies and Applications
The resulting CIV technologies and applications will help reduce road accidents, improve transportation efficiency and reduce traffic congestion. They hold great potential for technology innovation, and are directly applicable to autonomous driving, smart cities, and the wider scientific community. With competent and complementary expertise of the partners and their extensive international research collaboration experience, COSAFE will promote knowledge sharing, foster research innovation, enhance the potential of participating researchers, and contribute to the European competitiveness and leadership in the automotive and ICT sectors. Existing research links among the partners will be strengthened. New and sustainable collaborations will be developed to build up world-class research in road-safe systems.
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