Ranplan Group AB is listed on the Swedish Nasdaq First North market.
The company listed on 28th June 2018.
The company’s ticker symbol is RPLAN and ISIN number SE0011178201.
Please visit the Share Performance.
To buy shares in Ranplan Group AB, contact your bank or stockbroker. Ranplan is listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm Sweden, trading with the ticker RPLAN, ISIN: SE0011178201.
To register your share in your own name, please contact your broker or fund manager.
At the moment the company is focused on growth and so shareholders should not expect to receive any, or very low, dividends over the next few years.
Investors can email us at investors@ranplanwireless.com. Alternatively, questions can be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer per.lindberg@ranplanwireless.com.
The parent headquarters are located in Stockholm, Sweden. We also have operational offices in the US, UK and China. For more information, please visit the Contact page.
Visit our financial calendar to find all the dates of our upcoming reports.
Investors can find out more about the company’s management by visiting Senior Management.
Our auditor is BDO Mälardalen AB.